adjacency_graphs = require('./adjacency_graphs') # on qwerty, 'g' has degree 6, being adjacent to 'ftyhbv'. '\' has degree 1. # this calculates the average over all keys. calc_average_degree = (graph) -> average = 0 for key, neighbors of graph average += (n for n in neighbors when n).length average /= (k for k,v of graph).length average BRUTEFORCE_CARDINALITY = 10 MIN_GUESSES_BEFORE_GROWING_SEQUENCE = 10000 MIN_SUBMATCH_GUESSES_SINGLE_CHAR = 10 MIN_SUBMATCH_GUESSES_MULTI_CHAR = 50 scoring = nCk: (n, k) -> # return 0 if k > n return 1 if k == 0 r = 1 for d in [1..k] r *= n r /= d n -= 1 r log10: (n) -> Math.log(n) / Math.log(10) # IE doesn't support Math.log10 :( log2: (n) -> Math.log(n) / Math.log(2) factorial: (n) -> # unoptimized, called only on small n return 1 if n < 2 f = 1 f *= i for i in [2..n] f # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # search --- most guessable match sequence ------------------------------------- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # takes a sequence of overlapping matches, returns the non-overlapping sequence with # minimum guesses. the following is a O(l_max * (n + m)) dynamic programming algorithm # for a length-n password with m candidate matches. l_max is the maximum optimal # sequence length spanning each prefix of the password. In practice it rarely exceeds 5 and the # search terminates rapidly. # # the optimal "minimum guesses" sequence is here defined to be the sequence that # minimizes the following function: # # g = l! * Product(m.guesses for m in sequence) + D^(l - 1) # # where l is the length of the sequence. # # the factorial term is the number of ways to order l patterns. # # the D^(l-1) term is another length penalty, roughly capturing the idea that an # attacker will try lower-length sequences first before trying length-l sequences. # # for example, consider a sequence that is date-repeat-dictionary. # - an attacker would need to try other date-repeat-dictionary combinations, # hence the product term. # - an attacker would need to try repeat-date-dictionary, dictionary-repeat-date, # ..., hence the factorial term. # - an attacker would also likely try length-1 (dictionary) and length-2 (dictionary-date) # sequences before length-3. assuming at minimum D guesses per pattern type, # D^(l-1) approximates Sum(D^i for i in [1..l-1] # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ most_guessable_match_sequence: (password, matches, _exclude_additive=false) -> n = password.length # partition matches into sublists according to ending index j matches_by_j = ([] for _ in [0...n]) for m in matches matches_by_j[m.j].push m # small detail: for deterministic output, sort each sublist by i. for lst in matches_by_j lst.sort (m1, m2) -> m1.i - m2.i optimal = # optimal.m[k][l] holds final match in the best length-l match sequence covering the # password prefix up to k, inclusive. # if there is no length-l sequence that scores better (fewer guesses) than # a shorter match sequence spanning the same prefix, optimal.m[k][l] is undefined. m: ({} for _ in [0...n]) # same structure as optimal.m -- holds the product term Prod(m.guesses for m in sequence). # optimal.pi allows for fast (non-looping) updates to the minimization function. pi: ({} for _ in [0...n]) # same structure as optimal.m -- holds the overall metric. g: ({} for _ in [0...n]) # helper: considers whether a length-l sequence ending at match m is better (fewer guesses) # than previously encountered sequences, updating state if so. update = (m, l) => k = m.j pi = @estimate_guesses m, password if l > 1 # we're considering a length-l sequence ending with match m: # obtain the product term in the minimization function by multiplying m's guesses # by the product of the length-(l-1) sequence ending just before m, at m.i - 1. pi *= optimal.pi[m.i - 1][l - 1] # calculate the minimization func g = @factorial(l) * pi unless _exclude_additive g += Math.pow(MIN_GUESSES_BEFORE_GROWING_SEQUENCE, l - 1) # update state if new best. # first see if any competing sequences covering this prefix, with l or fewer matches, # fare better than this sequence. if so, skip it and return. for competing_l, competing_g of optimal.g[k] continue if competing_l > l return if competing_g <= g # this sequence might be part of the final optimal sequence. optimal.g[k][l] = g optimal.m[k][l] = m optimal.pi[k][l] = pi # helper: evaluate bruteforce matches ending at k. bruteforce_update = (k) => # see if a single bruteforce match spanning the k-prefix is optimal. m = make_bruteforce_match(0, k) update(m, 1) for i in [1..k] # generate k bruteforce matches, spanning from (i=1, j=k) up to (i=k, j=k). # see if adding these new matches to any of the sequences in optimal[i-1] # leads to new bests. m = make_bruteforce_match(i, k) for l, last_m of optimal.m[i-1] l = parseInt(l) # corner: an optimal sequence will never have two adjacent bruteforce matches. # it is strictly better to have a single bruteforce match spanning the same region: # same contribution to the guess product with a lower length. # --> safe to skip those cases. continue if last_m.pattern == 'bruteforce' # try adding m to this length-l sequence. update(m, l + 1) # helper: make bruteforce match objects spanning i to j, inclusive. make_bruteforce_match = (i, j) => pattern: 'bruteforce' token: password[i..j] i: i j: j # helper: step backwards through optimal.m starting at the end, # constructing the final optimal match sequence. unwind = (n) => optimal_match_sequence = [] k = n - 1 # find the final best sequence length and score l = undefined g = Infinity for candidate_l, candidate_g of optimal.g[k] if candidate_g < g l = candidate_l g = candidate_g while k >= 0 m = optimal.m[k][l] optimal_match_sequence.unshift m k = m.i - 1 l-- optimal_match_sequence for k in [0...n] for m in matches_by_j[k] if m.i > 0 for l of optimal.m[m.i - 1] l = parseInt(l) update(m, l + 1) else update(m, 1) bruteforce_update(k) optimal_match_sequence = unwind(n) optimal_l = optimal_match_sequence.length # corner: empty password if password.length == 0 guesses = 1 else guesses = optimal.g[n - 1][optimal_l] # final result object password: password guesses: guesses guesses_log10: @log10 guesses sequence: optimal_match_sequence # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # guess estimation -- one function per match pattern --------------------------- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ estimate_guesses: (match, password) -> return match.guesses if match.guesses? # a match's guess estimate doesn't change. cache it. min_guesses = 1 if match.token.length < password.length min_guesses = if match.token.length == 1 MIN_SUBMATCH_GUESSES_SINGLE_CHAR else MIN_SUBMATCH_GUESSES_MULTI_CHAR estimation_functions = bruteforce: @bruteforce_guesses dictionary: @dictionary_guesses spatial: @spatial_guesses repeat: @repeat_guesses sequence: @sequence_guesses regex: @regex_guesses date: @date_guesses guesses = estimation_functions[match.pattern].call this, match match.guesses = Math.max guesses, min_guesses match.guesses_log10 = @log10 match.guesses match.guesses bruteforce_guesses: (match) -> guesses = Math.pow BRUTEFORCE_CARDINALITY, match.token.length if guesses == Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY guesses = Number.MAX_VALUE; # small detail: make bruteforce matches at minimum one guess bigger than smallest allowed # submatch guesses, such that non-bruteforce submatches over the same [i..j] take precedence. min_guesses = if match.token.length == 1 MIN_SUBMATCH_GUESSES_SINGLE_CHAR + 1 else MIN_SUBMATCH_GUESSES_MULTI_CHAR + 1 Math.max guesses, min_guesses repeat_guesses: (match) -> match.base_guesses * match.repeat_count sequence_guesses: (match) -> first_chr = match.token.charAt(0) # lower guesses for obvious starting points if first_chr in ['a', 'A', 'z', 'Z', '0', '1', '9'] base_guesses = 4 else if first_chr.match /\d/ base_guesses = 10 # digits else # could give a higher base for uppercase, # assigning 26 to both upper and lower sequences is more conservative. base_guesses = 26 if not match.ascending # need to try a descending sequence in addition to every ascending sequence -> # 2x guesses base_guesses *= 2 base_guesses * match.token.length MIN_YEAR_SPACE: 20 REFERENCE_YEAR: new Date().getFullYear() regex_guesses: (match) -> char_class_bases = alpha_lower: 26 alpha_upper: 26 alpha: 52 alphanumeric: 62 digits: 10 symbols: 33 if match.regex_name of char_class_bases Math.pow(char_class_bases[match.regex_name], match.token.length) else switch match.regex_name when 'recent_year' # conservative estimate of year space: num years from REFERENCE_YEAR. # if year is close to REFERENCE_YEAR, estimate a year space of MIN_YEAR_SPACE. year_space = Math.abs parseInt(match.regex_match[0]) - @REFERENCE_YEAR year_space = Math.max year_space, @MIN_YEAR_SPACE year_space date_guesses: (match) -> # base guesses: (year distance from REFERENCE_YEAR) * num_days * num_years year_space = Math.max(Math.abs(match.year - @REFERENCE_YEAR), @MIN_YEAR_SPACE) guesses = year_space * 365 # add factor of 4 for separator selection (one of ~4 choices) guesses *= 4 if match.separator guesses KEYBOARD_AVERAGE_DEGREE: calc_average_degree(adjacency_graphs.qwerty) # slightly different for keypad/mac keypad, but close enough KEYPAD_AVERAGE_DEGREE: calc_average_degree(adjacency_graphs.keypad) KEYBOARD_STARTING_POSITIONS: (k for k,v of adjacency_graphs.qwerty).length KEYPAD_STARTING_POSITIONS: (k for k,v of adjacency_graphs.keypad).length spatial_guesses: (match) -> if match.graph in ['qwerty', 'dvorak'] s = @KEYBOARD_STARTING_POSITIONS d = @KEYBOARD_AVERAGE_DEGREE else s = @KEYPAD_STARTING_POSITIONS d = @KEYPAD_AVERAGE_DEGREE guesses = 0 L = match.token.length t = match.turns # estimate the number of possible patterns w/ length L or less with t turns or less. for i in [2..L] possible_turns = Math.min(t, i - 1) for j in [1..possible_turns] guesses += @nCk(i - 1, j - 1) * s * Math.pow(d, j) # add extra guesses for shifted keys. (% instead of 5, A instead of a.) # math is similar to extra guesses of l33t substitutions in dictionary matches. if match.shifted_count S = match.shifted_count U = match.token.length - match.shifted_count # unshifted count if S == 0 or U == 0 guesses *= 2 else shifted_variations = 0 shifted_variations += @nCk(S + U, i) for i in [1..Math.min(S, U)] guesses *= shifted_variations guesses dictionary_guesses: (match) -> match.base_guesses = match.rank # keep these as properties for display purposes match.uppercase_variations = @uppercase_variations match match.l33t_variations = @l33t_variations match reversed_variations = match.reversed and 2 or 1 match.base_guesses * match.uppercase_variations * match.l33t_variations * reversed_variations START_UPPER: /^[A-Z][^A-Z]+$/ END_UPPER: /^[^A-Z]+[A-Z]$/ ALL_UPPER: /^[^a-z]+$/ ALL_LOWER: /^[^A-Z]+$/ uppercase_variations: (match) -> word = match.token return 1 if word.match(@ALL_LOWER) or word.toLowerCase() == word # a capitalized word is the most common capitalization scheme, # so it only doubles the search space (uncapitalized + capitalized). # allcaps and end-capitalized are common enough too, underestimate as 2x factor to be safe. for regex in [@START_UPPER, @END_UPPER, @ALL_UPPER] return 2 if word.match regex # otherwise calculate the number of ways to capitalize U+L uppercase+lowercase letters # with U uppercase letters or less. or, if there's more uppercase than lower (for eg. PASSwORD), # the number of ways to lowercase U+L letters with L lowercase letters or less. U = (chr for chr in word.split('') when chr.match /[A-Z]/).length L = (chr for chr in word.split('') when chr.match /[a-z]/).length variations = 0 variations += @nCk(U + L, i) for i in [1..Math.min(U, L)] variations l33t_variations: (match) -> return 1 if not match.l33t variations = 1 for subbed, unsubbed of match.sub # lower-case match.token before calculating: capitalization shouldn't affect l33t calc. chrs = match.token.toLowerCase().split('') S = (chr for chr in chrs when chr == subbed).length # num of subbed chars U = (chr for chr in chrs when chr == unsubbed).length # num of unsubbed chars if S == 0 or U == 0 # for this sub, password is either fully subbed (444) or fully unsubbed (aaa) # treat that as doubling the space (attacker needs to try fully subbed chars in addition to # unsubbed.) variations *= 2 else # this case is similar to capitalization: # with aa44a, U = 3, S = 2, attacker needs to try unsubbed + one sub + two subs p = Math.min(U, S) possibilities = 0 possibilities += @nCk(U + S, i) for i in [1..p] variations *= possibilities variations # utilities -------------------------------------------------------------------- module.exports = scoring