Font Awesome Icon Picker is a fully customizable plugin for Twitter Bootstrap,
with a powerful base API,
based on
Bootstrap Popover Picker
You can use Font Awesome or another font icon set of your choice (icon options and items are customizable).
Note: In dropdowns the placement is controlled by the Bootstrap dropdown plugin
{ //... title: 'With custom options', icons: ['fa-github', 'fa-heart', 'fa-html5', 'fa-css3'], selectedCustomClass: 'label label-success', mustAccept:true, placement:'bottomRight', showFooter:true, //... (see the source code of this page) }
{ //... title: 'Prepending glypghicons', icons: $.merge([ 'glyphicon-home', 'glyphicon-repeat', 'glyphicon-search', 'glyphicon-arrow-left', 'glyphicon-arrow-right', 'glyphicon-star'], $.iconpicker.defaultOptions.icons), fullClassFormatter: function(val){ if(val.match(/^fa-/)){ return 'fa '+val; }else{ return 'glyphicon '+val; } } //... }